Burial Reddit

Burial: A Subreddit for the Electronic Music Pioneer

A Community for Fans of the Acclaimed Artist

Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the enigmatic and influential electronic music artist known as Burial. With over 12K subscribers, this community provides a platform for fans to discuss, share, and celebrate the music of William Bevan, the man behind the Burial alias.

The Sound of Burial

Burial's music is characterized by its haunting melodies, intricate sound design, and emotionally evocative atmospheres. Known for his pioneering use of sub-bass frequencies and his unique blend of dubstep, techno, and ambient influences, Burial has created a distinctive sound that has captivated listeners worldwide.

Influence on Film and Art

Beyond the world of electronic music, Burial's work has also left its mark on other artistic mediums. His music has been featured in films such as "Under the Skin" and "Ex Machina," and his influence is evident in the sound design and emotional tone of these films.

Speculation and Curiosity

Despite his success and critical acclaim, Burial remains a relatively enigmatic figure. Little is known about his personal life, and he rarely gives interviews. This mysterious aura only adds to the intrigue and speculation surrounding him, fueling endless discussions within the subreddit dedicated to his music.

Whether you're a longtime fan or a curious newcomer, the Burial subreddit is an essential destination for exploring the music and legacy of this acclaimed electronic music pioneer.

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